Silvan Blumenthal
Silvan Blumenthal ist Doktorand am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder. In seiner Dissertation erforscht er die Entstehungsgeschichte des Bundesinventars der schützenswerten Ortsbilder der Schweiz (ISOS). Er hat Architektur an der ETH Zürich studiert und war Assistent am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Gion A. Caminada an der ETH Zürich. Silvan Blumenthal hat zu Lucius Burckhardt publiziert.
Benedict Boucsein
Professor Boucsein (b. 1979) conducts research into the conversion of everyday post-war city districts, negotiation processes surrounding large urban infrastructures (especially airports), projects pioneering radical change towards sustainable urban living (particularly cooperatives), and the production conditions of architecture and urban development. The main focus of his work is on the European Megalopolis.
Annemarie Burckhardt
Annemarie Burckhardt war eine schweizerische Objektkünstlerin. Gemeinsam mit Lucius Burckhardt entwickelte sie in den 1980er Jahren die Promenadologie, eine kulturwissenschaftliche und ästhetische Methode, die darauf zielt, die Bedingungen der Umweltwahrnehmung bewusst zu machen und sie zu erweitern. Nach der Atomreaktor-Katastrophe von Tschernobyl und der Chemie Katastrophe von Schweizerhalle, gründeten die Burckhardts mit Gleichgesinnten die GAB (Grüne und Alternative Basel), die zusammen mit der Grünen Partei Basel und anderen Organisationen 1987 einige Sitze im Basler Grossen Rat eroberte. 1996 wurde Annemarie Burckhardt als grüne Kandidatin in den Grossen Rat Basel-Stadt gewählt, dem sie bis 2001 angehörte und sich vor allem zu Fragen der Sozialplanung und Stadtentwicklung äusserte. Nach dem Tod von Lucius Burckhardt 2003 gründete Annemarie Burckhardt 2009 die Lucius und Annemarie Burckhardt Stiftung.
Fabienne Burri
Fabienne Burri ist Designerin und Partnerin von C2F, und verantwortlich für das Project Management. Sie verfügt über Ausbildungen in Wirtschaft, Marketing, und einem Studium in Visueller Kommunikation. Ihre ersten Erfahrungen in der Design-Praxis hat sie bei verschiedenen Agenturen und beim Schauspielhaus Zürich gesammelt. Sie folgte Anfragen für Vorträge und Workshops nach Europa, in den Nahen Osten und in die USA. Fabienne Burri unterrichtete an der Hochschule Luzern, wo sie u.a. eine Weiterbildung für digitale Buchgestaltung aufbaute.
Jeremiah Chiu
Jeremiah Chiu is a Los Angeles-based artist, musician, graphic designer, and educator.
Maria Conen
Maria Conen studierte Architektur an der EPF Lausanne und der ETH Zürich. Nach ihre Abschluss 2005 in Zürich arbeitete sie in verschiedenen Architekturbüros und in freier Zusammenarbeit für einzelne Projekte mit Raoul Sigl. Nachdem sie 2010 ihren Master of Advanced Studies am Institut Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur an der ETH Zürich abschloss, gründete sie 2011 zusammen mit Raoul Sigl ihr Büro Conen Sigl Architekten. Neben ihrer Arbeit als selbstständige Architektin ist sie als Oberassistentin bei Prof. Adam Caruso an der ETH Zürich und als Gastprofessorin unter anderem an der TU München (2016-2017) tätig.
Kyle Dugdale
Kyle Dugdale has practiced architecture in London, Chicago, and New Haven. He received a B.A. from the University of Oxford, an M.Arch. from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. from Yale University, where he was awarded the Theron Rockwell Field Prize. Dugdale’s work has been published in journals including Clog, Perspecta, the Journal of Architectural Education, and Utopian Studies.
Carl Fingerhuth
Carl Fingerhuth beschäftigt sich seit dem Abschluss seines Architekturstudiums an der ETH-Zürich mit der Stadt: Zuerst als Archäologe in Ägypten, dann mit einem eigenen Büro für Städtebau und Raumplanung in Zürich.
Reto Geiser
Reto Geiser is a scholar of modern architecture with a focus on the intersections between architecture, pedagogy, and media. He is associate professor of architecture at the Rice University School of Architecture, where he teaches history, theory, and design. A founding partner in the Houston-based design practice MG&Co., he is developing spatial strategies in a range of scales from the book to the house. Together with Tilo Richter he directs Standpunkte.

Gregory Gilbert-Lodge
Gregory Gilbert-Lodge, is an award-winning illustrator who lives and works in Zürich, Switzerland. For the past 20 years he has built up an impressive body of work, including exhibiting at the acclaimed David Bowie exhibition at the V&A in London and Tokyo, redesigning Kanton Zürich's logo, and fulfilling his many editorial and commercial commissions. This demand has also overspilled into private commissions and his iconic screenprints, which can be purchased at his online shop. Commercial clients include: Vivienne Westwood, Courvoisier, Red Bull, Nike, Migros, Swiss International Airlines, VW, The Tate Modern, Mercedes, Rugby Football Union, Museum Neu. Editorial clients include: Dazed & Confused, Another Man, GQ, Sleazenation, NZZ, Der Spiegel, Zeit Magazin, Reportagen Magazin, Das Magazin.
Ernst Gisel
After an apprenticeship as a draftsman with thei Architect Ernst Vogelsanger, Ernst Gisel studied architecture from 1940 to 1942 at the School of Applied Arts in Zurich.
After completing their studies in architecture, he started his firm in 1945. His oeuvre includes projects for churches, schools, and communal buildings. Gisel’s work is internationally recognized and won several awards including German Architecture Prize and Hugo Häring Prize. He received Paul-Bonatz-Price in 1967. Gisel was awarded an honorary doctorate from ETH Zurich for his contributions to the field of Architecture.

Sky Gooden
Sky Goodden is the founding Publisher and Editor of Momus, an international art criticism publication and podcast. Goodden was the Artist-in-Residence at Montreal’s Concordia University in 2018/19, and holds an MFA in Criticism & Curatorial Practice from OCAD University. Goodden has published in multiple catalogues and art books. Under the Momus publishing tent, Goodden hosts two popular Momus Emerging Critics Residencies annually; and co-produces and hosts Momus: The Podcast, with Lauren Wetmore. In 2020, Momus: The Podcast was named one of the top-ten art podcasts by The New York Times. It’s currently in its fourth season.

Renata Graw
Normal is a multidisciplinary graphic design practice based in Chicago, IL. Normal believes thoughtful design and collaboration strengthens our collective knowledge and defines new ways of seeing, communicating and experiencing the world. Normal is Renata Graw, Tim Curley and Noël Morical.
Jacques Gubler
Prof. Jacques Gubler, Prof. Emeritus of Theory and History of Architecture, Accademia di Architettura (Mendrisio) and ETH Lausanne, is an expert on Modern Architecture, especially the use of reinforced concrete. He has taught both in the United States and Europe and lectured around the world.

John Harwood
John Harwood is an architectural historian working on the intersections between architecture, design, science, technology, and business. He is the author of The Interface: IBM and the Transformation of Corporate Design, 1945-1976 (University of Minnesota Press, 2011), which received the 2014 Alice Davis Hitchcock Award from the Society of Architectural Historians as "the most distinguished work of scholarship in the history of architecture published by a North American scholar."
Robert Haussmann
Robert Haussmann has created many classics of Swiss furniture design. He studied at the Amsterdam academy of the modernist designer and architect Gerrit Thomas Rietveld in 1951, and later, in Zürich, with the Swiss designer Willy Guhl and Bauhaus member Johannes Itten. Together with his wife and partner Trix Haussmann, he founded the interdisciplinary Allgemeine Entwurfsanstalt in 1967.
Isabel Haupt
Isabel Haupt hat in München Architektur studiert und in Zürich ein Nachdiplomstudium zur Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur absolviert. Anschliessend erforschte sie historische Bauten in Italien, Griechenland, Deutschland und der Schweiz, wurde mit einer Arbeit über den frühklassizistischen Architekten und Architekturtheoretiker Christian Traugott Weinlig promoviert und unterrichtete an verschiedenen Hochschulen. Sie lehrte auch am Zürcher Haus der Farbe und verfasste unter anderem den Farbführer Winterthur: Farbige Bauten und Aussenraumgestaltung aus den Jahren 1998–2006. Seit mehreren Jahren pflegt sie hauptberuflich Denkmale, derzeit als stellvertretende Denkmalpflegerin des Kantons Aargau.
Alexander Henz
Born on March 10, 1933, from Aarau AG, Prof. Henz studied architecture at the ETH Zurich. From 1958- 1960 he was with S.E.T.A.P., an architectural and planning firm in Paris, where he worked on the planning and design of buildings in the south of France, Guinea, Senegal and Mauretania. In 1961 Henz founded his own architectural firm together with Hans Rusterholz. In 1965 he co- founded the employee- owned, multidisciplinary architectural and planning firm of METRON in Brugg, AG. There he worked on the planning and design of industrial facilities, residential housing as well as schools and university buildings. Henz was also involved with various urban and regional planning projects in a planning, coordinating and consulting function and conducted research in the field of residential rental housing.

Nathalie Herschdorfer
Nathalie Herschdorfer is an author and curator specialised in photography. She is the director of the Museum of Fine Arts Le Locle, Switzerland, and a curator with FEP (Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography). She has written a number of books amongst which are Afterwards, The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Photography, Coming into Fashion and reGeneration, all published by Thames & Hudson.
Axel Humpert
Axel Humpert graduated in 2004 in architecture from ETH Zurich, after which he worked for Meili, Peter Architekten Zurich. In 2005 he co-founded Camenzind. After starting up Meili, Peter Architektens subsidiary in Munich he then returned to Switzerland in 2007 and co-founded BHSF. Besides his practical work, he worked as a Teaching Assistant at the ETH Zurich from 2007 until 2010 and still lectures regularly and acts as a guest critic there. In 2015, he was appointed Professor for Architecture and Construction at the FHNW Muttenz.
Hans Kollhoff
Hans Kollhoff is a German architect and professor. He studied architecture from 1968 to 1973 at the University of Karlsruhe with Egon Eiermann. In 1974 he spent a year abroad at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria. Thereafter, he held a scholarship at Cornell University, New York, where he was the assistant of Oswald Mathias Ungers. Later, until 1983, he was an assistant at the Technical University of Berlin. In 1978 he founded his own practice, which he has run in partnership with Helga Timmermann since 1984.
Ted Kesik
Ted Kesik is a professor of building science in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto with a career focus on the integration of professional practice, research and teaching. He entered the construction industry in 1974 and has since gained extensive experience in various aspects of building enclosure design, energy modeling, quality assurance, commissioning, performance verification, and building systems integration. Kesik’s research interests include resilience, sustainability, durability, and high-performance buildings. He continues to practice as a consulting engineer to leading architectural offices, forward thinking enterprises and progressive government agencies.
Susanne Kuhlbrodt
Hans Kollhoff, born on 18th September 1946 in Lobenstein/Thüringen, studied at the Architecture Faculty of Karlsruhe University from 1968 to 1973, and followed a course at the “Technische Universität” of Vienna in 1974. After graduating in 1975, having returned to Karlsruhe University, he received a DAAD grant from Cornell University, New York, where he worked until 1978 as Graduate Design Program Assistant.
Andrew Leach
Andrew Leach is Professor of Architecture at the University of Sydney, where he teaches architectural history. He writes on contemporary issues in the fields of architectural history, theory and criticism. His books include Manfredo Tafuri (2007),What is Architectural History? (2010), and Rome (2016). He was a 2017–18 Wallace Fellow at the Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies Villa I Tatti and the 2019-20. His current writing includes book-length studies on the mid-twentieth-century historiography of mannerist architecture and an architectural history of New South Wales.
Jesse LeCavalier
Jesse LeCavalier is a designer, writer, and educator whose work explores the architectural and urban implications of contemporary logistics. He is the author of The Rule of Logistics: Walmart and the Architecture of Fulfillment (University of Minnesota Press, 2016). He is associate professor of architecture at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture at the University of Toronto.
Nancy P. Lin
Nancy P. Lin is a PhD candidate specializing in modern and contemporary Chinese art and architecture. She received her B.A. summa cum laude in History of Art and Architecture at Harvard University. Her dissertation, titled “Making Spaces: Site-based Practice in Contemporary Chinese Art, 1990s-2000s,” focuses on the intersection of art and urbanism in examining locally situated, yet globally oriented spatial and site-specific artistic practices in China.
Guillaume Mojon
The studio is specialized in the design of identities, books and exhibitions, as well as campaigns, signage systems and websites for institutions, businesses and individuals.
Elli Mosayebi
Elli Mosayebi is Associate Professor of Architecture and Design at the ETH Zurich. She forges a close connection between practice, research and teaching. The architecture firm Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin Architekten, which she co-founded, places particular emphasis on urban design and residential construction, for which it has won numerous awards. In her research she explores European residential construction since 1945, looking at the forms of housing found in model dwellings and examining the conditions under which they came into being.
Marianne Mueller
Marianne Mueller is an artist harnessing memory friction within the corporal and the architectural. Recent institutional solo exhibitions include venues as the Museum of Photography, Ekaterinburg; the Centro de Artes Visuals, Coimbra; and Kunstmuseum Bern. She is the recipient of numerous international residencies, the Prix Moët & Chandon suisse pour l’art, and multiple Swiss Art Awards. Mueller has been a professor at the Zurich University of the Arts since 2007. Her work is included in many international public collections and was published widely, including the monographs The Proper Ornaments (2008), Stairs Etc. (2014), and Leg (2020).

Matthias Noell
Matthias Noell ist seit 2016 Professor für Architekturgeschichte und Architekturtheorie an der Universität der Künste Berlin. Zuvor war er Professor für Architektur- und Designgeschichte an der Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle (2010-2016) sowie Vertretungsprofessor für Architekturgeschichte, Städtebaugeschichte und Denkmalpflege am Kunsthistorischen Institut der Universität Leipzig (2009/2010). Verschiedene Tätigkeiten in den Bereichen Forschung, Lehre und Denkmalpflege führten ihn unter anderem an das Institut gta im Departement Architektur der ETH Zürich, wo er sich 2008 habilitierte, an das Deutsche Forum für Kunstgeschichte, Paris, und an das Brandenburgische Landesamt für Denkmalpflege. Er wurde 1997 an der TU Berlin im Fach Kunstgeschichte promoviert.
Cybu Richli
Cybu Richli ist Design Director, Designer und Partner von C2F. Er studierte Architektur und Visuelle Kommunikation. Durch verschiedene Projekte und Tätigkeiten hat er internationale Erfahrungen erworben. Er folgte der Einladung für einen Forschungsauftrag nach Chicago. Anschliessend arbeitete er für diverse Auftraggeber in Chicago und New York, wie Morningstar, Pentagram, Seed Media, The New York Times und W.I.R.E.D.
Tilo Richter
Tilo Richter ist Architektur- und Kunsthistoriker und seit 1995 als freier Autor und Herausgeber, Gestalter und Koordinator tätig. Daneben leitet er zusammen mit Reto Geiser Standpunkte, ist Stiftungsrat von Architektur Dialoge, Redaktor des Basler Stadtbuchs und Mitglied der Redaktionskommission von werk, bauen + wohnen.

David K. Ross
David K. Ross has been working at the intersection of photography and the moving image since the mid 2000s. His architecturally inflected works reveal the often unseen character of civic and cultural systems.
Ross is the recipient of numerous awards and grants for his work including support from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts, Arts Council England, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec. His work has been exhibited widely in Canada and internationally. With the exception of a three year interlude during which he taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Ross has been based in Montreal, Canada since 2005.
Flora Ruchat-Roncati
Flora Ruchat was a Swiss architect, representative of the “Ticino School”. Ruchat studied architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Between 1962 and 1971 , she collaborated with Aurelio Galfetti and Ivo Trümpy on important buildings in Ticino.
In 1971, she established her own studio FRR in Riva San Vitale in Ticino and worked from 1975 to 1985 in Rome. She collaborated with Dolf Schnebli and Tobias Ammann from 1991 as Schnebli Ammann Ruchat Architects and Partners AG in Zurich, and from 1996 Schnebli Ammann Ruchat Menz Architekten AG in Zurich and Agno. In 1985, Ruchat was the first woman to be appointed Professor of Architecture at ETH Zurich. Flora Ruchat passed away in 2012.
Philipp Schaerer
Philipp Schaerer is a visual artist and architect. Since 2010, he has been teaching at various Swiss universities and, as of 2014, as visiting professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the EPFL in the discipline Art and Architecture. His work has been published and exhibited widely. He is represented in several private and public collections—among others in The Museum of Modern Art MoMA in New York, The Centre Pompidou in Paris, The Center for Art and Media Technology in Karlsruhe (ZKM) and the Fotomuseum in Winterthur. Schaerer lives and works in Zurich and Steffisburg/CH.
Ernst Scheidegger
Ernst Scheidegger was a founding member of the Magnum agency and is a photographer, teacher, filmmaker, newspaper editor, gallery owner, and publisher.
Christoph Schmidt
Christoph Schmidt absolvierte 1997 eine Schreinerlehre bei Freiburg und studierte von 1997 -2003 an der TU Dresden bei Ivan Reimann und an der ETH Zürich bei Hans Kollhoff und Miroslav Sik. Er arbeitete in Büros in New York, Basel und Liechtenstein. Mit Susann Vécsey gründete er 2007 Vécsey Schmidt Architekten in Basel. Von 2008–2010 war Christoph Schmidt am Lehrstuhl für Entwurf bei Paul Kahlfeldt in Dortmund tätig. Er erhielt ein Stipendium für das Istituto Svizzero und lebte und arbeitete 2012 -2013 in Rom.
Beate Schnitter
Beate Schnitter graduated as an architect from the ETH Zurich in 1953 and then worked in Amsterdam, Paris and Zurich. She is the niece of Switzerland's first self-employed architect, Lux Guyer , and in 1955 took over her office in Zurich. In 1958, Beate Schnitter co-founded the Zürcher Arbeitsgruppe für Städtebau (ZAS).
Peter Sealy
Peter Sealy is an architectural historian who studies the ways in which architects constructively engage with reality through indexical media such as photography. He holds architecture degrees from the McGill University School of Architecture and the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he was a Frank Knox fellow. He recently completed his PhD at Harvard on the emergence of a photographic visual regime in nineteenth-century architectural publications, seen through the lens of truth — in both architecture and its representations.
Axel Simon
Axel Simon ist seit 2010 Redaktor für Architektur bei der Zeitschrift Hochparterre. Zurvor war der ausgebildte Architekt freier Architekturkritiker.
Peter Steiger
Peter Steiger was the son of the architect couple Flora Steiger-Crawford and Rudolf Steiger . He dealt early with questions of urban and landscape planning. He worked in the Zurich working group for urban development (ZAS). In the 1970s he increasingly turned to the topics of energy, ecology and sustainability in architecture.
Martino Stierli
Martino Stierli is The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at The Museum of Modern Art, a role he assumed in March 2015. As the Swiss National Science Foundation Professor at the University of Zurich’s Institute of Art History, Stierli focused his research on architecture and media. His project The Architecture of Hedonism: Three Villas in the Island of Capri was included in the 14th Architecture Biennale in Venice. He has organized and co-curated exhibitions on a variety of topics, including the international traveling exhibition Las Vegas Studio: Images from the Archives of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown (2008–14). Stierli has taught at various Swiss universities, including the universities of Zurich and Basel as well as ETH Zurich. He studied art and architectural history, German, and comparative literature at the University of Zurich, where he received his MA in 2003. From 2003 to 2007, he was part of the graduate program Urban Forms—Conditions and Consequences at ETH Zurich, from which he received a PhD in 2008.
Ruggero Tropeano
Tropeano graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, where he was lecturer and associate professor from 1991 to 1999. He is the author of various publications, on Swiss furniture of the Thirties, Le Corbusier and Jean Prouvé. From 1986 to 1991 was architect in charge of the Zurich Technopark and the conversion of the Sulzer Escher-Wyss site. He founded a practice with Cristina Pfister and from 1986 to 1999 was engaged in different projects for the restoration of Modern Movement architecture. Since 1999 he has been a partner in the Pfister-Schiess-Tropeano practice with the restoration projects of Bauhaus Dessau und Hallenstadion Zurich. In 2009, he founded ruggero tropeano architekten, working on projects in the sites of Roche and Novartis in Basel.

Philip Ursprung
Philip Ursprung is an art historian specializing in late 20th- and 21st-century European and North American art and architecture. His research and teaching focus on the interrelation between architecture and art in a political and economic framework. Active as a historian, critic, and curator, Ursprung has taught at the University of Zurich, Hochschule der Künste Berlin, Columbia University, and Barcelona Institute of Architecture. After studying in Geneva, Vienna, and Berlin, he earned his Ph.D. in art history at Freie Universität Berlin. He is a professor of history of art and architecture at the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, where he was dean of the department from 2017–19.
Susann Vécsey
Susann Vécsey studierte von 1997 bis 2002 an der ETH Zürich. Sie arbeitete in Büros in Barcelona, Rotterdam und Basel. Mit Christoph Schmidt gründete sie 2007 Vécsey Schmidt Architekten in Basel. 2010 bis 2012 war sie Assistentin am Lehrstuhl von Emanuel Christ und Christoph Gantenbein an der Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio und an der ETH Zürich. Im Rahmen eines Stipendiums lebte und arbeitete sie 2012–13 am Schweizer Institut in Rom. Seit 2017 ist Susann Vécsey Professorin für Entwurf und Konstruktion an der FHNW am Institut für Architektur.

De Peter Yi
De Peter Yi is an architect and designer, whose ongoing research reimagines the physical and intangible forces that bring form together with new modes of design theory and practice. Yi holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Michigan, where he received the Wallenberg Award, and a Master of Architecture from Rice University, where he received the William D. Darden Thesis Award. He has practiced with Studio Gang Architects in Chicago, WW Architecture in Houston, and 1100 Architect in New York. Yi is currently a lecturer at the University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
Alexander Henz
Born on March 10, 1933, from Aarau AG, Prof. Henz studied architecture at the ETH Zurich. From 1958–1960 he was with S.E.T.A.P., an architectural and planning firm in Paris, where he worked on the planning and design of buildings in the south of France, Guinea, Senegal and Mauretania. In 1961 Henz founded his own architectural firm together with Hans Rusterholz. In 1965 he co-founded the employee-owned, multidisciplinary architectural and planning firm of METRON in Brugg. There he worked on the planning and design of industrial facilities, residential housing as well as schools and university buildings. Henz was also involved with various urban and regional planning projects in a planning, coordinating and consulting function and conducted research in the field of residential rental housing.