Book of Complaints and Suggestions
Marianne Mueller
Accompanied by local activists, Marianne Mueller and Gabrielle Schaad discover the (unprotected and iconic) architectural heritage of Constructivist buildings erected in Sverdlovsk between 1927 and 1933. Turned “inside-out,” they reveal their tattered interiors and pay tribute to an unresolved past that may soon be erased by real estate speculation. Konstantin Bugrov’s tongue-in-cheek captions add a delightful twist to the group’s Kafkaesque odyssey.
Edited and designed by Marianne Mueller
With contributions by Gabrielle Schaad and Konstantin Bugrov
1st edition, 2022
English and Russian
116 illustrations in color
14.5×20.4 cm
240 pages
ISBN 978-3-9524872-2-8

David Ross
Archetypes features a recent series by Canadian artist David K. Ross, who works at the interface of photography, film, and installation. His images of architectural mock-ups, staged at night with dramatic lighting that isolates structures from their surroundings, demonstrate how these objects have become a charged form of proto-architecture. Built at full scale, these architectural fragments—to be removed from construction sites as buildings near completion—ensure that a project can be executed exactly to design, and they provide clients with a simulation of a building that leaves little space for speculation. The task of mock-up documentation is usually left to architects and contractors, who take quick snapshots for their reference during site visits. Archetypes is the first-ever photographic compilation of this type, reaching beyond a mere artistic record of building technologies and typologies. Instead, the book offers an effective platform to consider what it means to pre-construct fragments of buildings in all their complexity. Published alongside Ross’s images are four essays framing the historical, technological, and civic significance of the mock-up.
With contributions by Sky Goodden, Ted Kesik, and Peter Sealy.
Designed by MG&Co.
Awarded as one of 50 Books of the year 2021 by the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA).
Traduction française
1st edition, 2021
Hardcover, cloth
39 illustrations in full color
21×28 cm
112 pages
ISBN 978-3-03860-221-7

Philipp Schaerer
Philipp Schaerer's works are the outcome of a skillful amalgamation of photographic knowledge, compositional skills, digital craftsmanship, and the specificities of architectural practice. His imaged architectures do not correspond with actual buildings but instead both challenge the role of the photograph as documentary evidence and, equally, critique how architecture is consumed today. When first released in 2010 in German and French, this book was the only comprehensive presentation of Philipp Schaerer’s work available. And while the perpetual development of information technology and digital photography is continuously rebalancing the relationship between architecture and its visual representation, the architect’s synthetic images continue to occupy a relevant position within this debate. The Bildbauten series, assembled here in its original twenty-four plates and extended by eight additional new works, speaks a powerful visual language that transcends the barriers of any written text.
Edited by Reto Geiser.
With contributions by Nathalie Herschdorfer, Martino Stierli, and Philip Ursprung.
Designed by MG&Co.
︎ Out of Print
Expanded 2nd edition, 2016
Hardcover, cloth
32 illustrations in full color
21×28 cm
96 pages
ISBN 978-395245770-2

Im Gespräch 8 Positionen zur Schweizer Architektur
Die acht Persönlichkeiten, die im Zentrum dieses Buches stehen, gehören zur Generation jener Architekten, Kritiker und Städtebauer, die den Schweizer Architekturdiskurs nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg massgeblich geprägt haben. Annemarie Burckhardt, Carl Fingerhuth, Jacques Gubler, Alexander Henz, Ernst Scheidegger, Beate Schnitter, Rainer Senn und Peter Steiger im Gespräch mit Studierenden der ETH Zürich und porträtiert von Gregory Gilbert-Lodge.
Edited by Reto Geiser and Martino Stierli.
Designed by MG&Co.
1st edition, 2015
8 illustrations in black and white
21×28 cm
248 pages
ISBN 978-3-9523540-9-4

Spekulationen Susann Vécsey & Christoph Schmidt
Zehn Rebhäuschen sind Ausgangspunkt einer Untersuchung zum Wesen architektonischer Projekte. Bei genauer Betrachtung und gleichzeitig unscharfem Blick lassen diese «Urhütten» der Weinbauern ihre individuelle Aussagekraft erkennen. Die Planzeichnung als grundlegendes Werkzeug des Architekten ist ein Mittel der Abstraktion, das klärende Distanz zum betrachteten Objekt ermöglicht. Das durch Empathie erfasste architektonische Potential entfaltet sich in Neuinterpretationen. Eine Idee wird aus dem Ursprünglichen heraus gesehen und in ein fiktives Projekt hineingetragen, um erneuert und doch verwandt zu erscheinen: eine Spekulation.
Edited by Tilo Richter.
Designed by MG&Co.
︎ Out of Print
1st edition, 2009
10 folded sheets in a vinyl slip case
Drawings and illustrations in two colors
24×33 cm
40 pages
ISBN 978-3-9523540-3-2